Sport is a fundamental experience in the lives of growing children. It can be practiced from the age of 3, to promote a balanced and harmonious development of the infant’s body, skeleton, muscles and joints. Thanks to the different sports disciplines, from team sports to individual sports, your children will find excellent opportunities to have fun and socialize.
Why do sports from an early age : physical benefits
In addition to being a social, fun and educational practice for our child, the sport practiced at pediatric age also has positive implications for his health and development, from a physical and structural point of view. First of all, sport, thanks to the exercises, efforts and movements it involves, promotes a regular and balanced development of the bone and skeletal system, as well as a strengthening of muscle fibers. At the level of cellular and internal functioning, sport and motor activity can help activate and regulate metabolism, regulate circulation and blood pressure, collaborating in the harmonious development of organs and other parts of the body. Thanks to physical education and then to sport, each child will be able to have his first motor experiences and, in addition to the muscles, develop the skills that will allow him to move correctly in relation to the space around him.
Why do sports from an early age : psychological benefits
Some parents prefer not to let their children play sports, for fear that this additional commitment will distract them and, above all, lead them to spend less time in school and studies. In making this decision, every parent must put an important factor in the balance, namely that sport, in addition to promoting physical development and improving coordination and conditional skills, can also be good training for the mind of children. On a festive and emotional level, sport can represent a first training ground in life, which will allow your little ones to learn and understand the functioning of their body, its reactions, its limits, its potentials, to gain greater knowledge and awareness of themselves. And pushing them, during their growth journey, to cultivate the desire to put themselves to the test and test the new skills acquired. At the same time, it will be a first opportunity for them to compare themselves with others and socialize, which will allow them to meet new people.